Senin, 31 Maret 2014

NAME            : DITA ADELIA
SRN                : 12340017
4th Semester 

1.      Give description on how to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion.
The way to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion, you should concern the component below :
First the text must relevance how to write a text with cohesion is look at the meaning of the sentence. and see the meaning of the next sentence. the meaning of the two sentences should be interconnected, but not the same. because if the meaning is the same sentence and then the reader will get bored and we just repetitions words.
Second is order, every paragraph should have main idea usually in paragraph there chronological, cause and effect, clarification, contras/compare
The third linking words transition help writer to make a paragraph , because with linking words transition make the reader easy to understand.
The last is repetition of key words, repetition of words is necessary to better explain in the next sentence, but the repetition of the phrase should not be done because the reader will not get any new information from the sentence, and the sentence will be impressed with the extravagance of a sentence, so it is not required but is also required sentence repetition of the word.

2.      Tell more about cohesion
Cohesion is something that is very important in writing, because it greatly affects the cohesion of art in your writing. although some people say that we do not need too much attention to cohesion, but cohesion in writing helps the reader easy to  move from one sentence to the next sentence because the cohesion.

3.      Write more about the difference between cohesion and coherence
Coherence means that the relationship of the ideas in a sentence coherence refers to the "rhetoric" aspects of writing, which can develop a paragraph which we write, synthesize and integrate the readings in paragraph reading, organizing readings in paragraphs and clarify the ideas in the paragraph we have write.
cohesion is more focused on writing and grammar in more cohesion refers to the repetition of the word in a sentence is not a sentence repetition existing

4.      Show which text or sentence that shows adequate or inadequate cohesion on your paragraph by underlining or putting in the table.


Hello in this wonderful moment I want to describe about my self, about my physical, my hobbies, and many others thing about me, because sometimes we need to describe our self for make the other people easy to know about us, okay and lets read about my self.
            My name is Dita Adelia you can call me Dita, Adel, or Lia but actually my friend always called me “Dinyok”. I think it is my famous name because since in junior high school my friend called me dinyok. but I think never mind it is not the big problem for me, I am 20 years old I was born on April 2nd 1994, in Santa Maria hospital, now I study in Muhammadiyyah University  of Metro and I am in the 4th semester.
 Now we will talk about my physical I have a big black eyes, thick eyebrow and I proud to have thick eyebrow, because now thick eyebrow becoming the style that hits. I have thin lips, and I have tall body, and my friend always say that sometimes I look like model, and I always laugh about this joke. I have exotic brown skin yeah and that’s make beautiful, and I have curly hair 6 months but, I always straighten my hair to make it more beautiful.
I am a nice person, humble person with everyone who meet me, fussy but funy. I am a loyal person, and sometimes I can be the arrogant and cruel person why? Because I fell uncomfortable in one condition. but actually I am a good girl for a good boy.
If we talk about my hobby I have many hobbies like reading a book novel maybe or magazine, shopping with my friends or my boyfriend and sometimes with my lovely mother, swimming, traveling, dancing, hunting all of the kind of food in this city, spend my time to chit chat with my friends, and the interesting one is I love cooking very much because everyday before I go to campus I always cook for my mother and my younger brother.
I have one father, one mother and one older sister and one younger brother, but now I live with my mother and my younger sister because of why? because my father have called by Allah or passed away, and my older sister still study in Jogja.
And I think that’s all about me, about Dita Adelia a girl who always think that the world is kingdom and I am the queen of this world, so I can do everything in this world to make this world become a good kingdom, and now the first step is I have to finish my study and we can see about the next.

My name is Dita adelia you can call me Dita,Adel, or lia but actually my friend always called me “Dinyok” . I think it is my famous name because since in junior high school my friend called me dinyok.
Because this sentences shows the cohesion because between first sentences and second sentences is relevance.
That’s proven by the second sentence which the supporting of the first sentence
I have thin lips, and I have tall body, and my friend always say that sometimes I look like model, and I always laugh about this joke
This sentences show the cohesion because the “ I look like model” explain about  “ I have tall body”
I am a loyal person, and sometimes I can be the arrogant and cruel person why? Because I fell uncomfortable in one condition
This sentences shoe the cohesion because there is ling king words transition
That’s proven by the second sentence support the first sentence.
I have one father, one mother and one older sister and one younger brother, but now I live with my mother and my younger sister because of why?, because my father have called by Allah or passed away, and my older sister still study in Jogja
This sentences shoe the cohesion because there is linking words transition
That’s proven by the second sentence support the first sentence.
And I think that’s all about me, about DITA ADELIA a girl who always think that the world is kingdom and I am the queen of this world, so I can do everything in this world to make this world become a good kingdom, and now the first step is I have to finish my study and we can see about the next.
Because this sentences shows the cohesion because between first sentences and second sentences is relevance.
That’s proven by the second sentence which the supporting of the first sentence

Senin, 24 Maret 2014


Name : Dita Adelia
SRN  : 12340017
4th Semester

1.      The way to write paragraphs with adequate and inadequate unity
when we would write a paragraph we have to use three components : topic sentences, body or supporting sentences, and concluding sentences.
 Explain the main idea clearly each sentences is related to central tought (unity)
develop a paragraph with details and specifics and examples (adequate development).
 Coherence is a relationship or continuity of words or sentences in a paragraph in the preparation of the ideas, but it shows the contrast that illustrates and adds paragraph causation and thus built into a more logical paragraph one stage to the next stage, the help the reader easy to understand the contents of the paragraph.


Hello in this wonderfull moment I want to describe about my self, about my physical, my hobbies, and many others thing about me, because sometimes we need to describe our self for make the other people easy to know about us,okay and lets read about my self.
            My name is dita adelia you can call me dita, adel, or lia but actually my friend always called me “dinyok” I think it is my famous name because since in junior high school my friend called me dinyok, but I think never mind it is not the big problem for me, I am 20 years old I was born on 2 april 1994,in santa maria hospital, now I study in muhammadiyyah university  of metro and I am in the 4th semester.
 Now we will talk about my physical I have a big black eyes, thik eyebrow and I proud to have thick eyebrow, because now thick eyebrow becoming the style that hits. I have thin lips, and I have tall body, and my friend always say that sometimes I looks like model, and I always laugh about this joke. I have exsotic brown skin yeah and that’s make beautiful, and I have curly hair 6 months but, I always straighten my hair to make it more beautiful.
I am a nice person, humble person with everyone who meet me, fussy but funy, I am a loyal person, and sometimes I can be the arogant and cruel person why? Because I fell uncomfertable in one condition but actually I am a good girl for a good boy.
If we talk about my hoby I have many hobies like reading a book novel maybe or magazine,shoping with my friends or my boyfriend and sometimes with my lovely mother, swimming, traveling, dancing, hunting all of the kind of food in this city, spend my time to chit chat with my friends, and the enteresting  one is I love cooking very much because everyday before I go to campus I always cook for my mother and my younger brother.
I have one father, one mother and one older sister and one younger brother, but now I live with my mother and my younger sister because of why?, because my father have called by allah or passed away, and my older sister still study in jogja.
And I think that’s all about me, about DITA ADELIA a girl who always think that the world is kingdom and I am the queen of this world, so I can do everything in this world to make this world become a good kingdom, and now the first step is I have to finish my study and we can see about the next.
Thank you
·         Purpel colour : intoduction
·         Pink colour    : identification and description
·         Blue colour    : concluding

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

writing3 identifying text (narrative, descriptive, expository)

Narrative text

Definition of  narrative text
          Narrative text is a text that is created by the author's imagination or with other words in the text narrative story is not real. This text aims to entertain and inform the reader's imagination in order to reflect the author’s. and  invited readers to understand the author's imagination, making this text further refine your imagination. Eating mostly text with the narrative are imaginary but there is also text factual narrative, which tells the events that real .or  events that actually happened.

The characteristics of Narrative Text

Many types of narrative texts frequently we find like fairy tales , legends , mysteries , horror stories , novels, and short stories . And now we are going to review more about the characteristic of narrative text

Narrative text consists of three main parts :
1 . Orientation : is the one in which the author tells the story or introduce the world of the story such as when and who is in the story, so be sure that the reader will easily read the text because it begins with an introductory narrative .

2 . Complication : the part where the actors in the story or the main character in the story and face the difficulties experienced very complex , while currently the principal / main character is in the peak of the problem .

3 . Resolution : the part where the actors in the story or the main character in the story to get a solution in the face of problems ,  when on stage complications and when the main character was able to resolve this problem then the author will give a good ending to the ending , or the ending worse , sometimes the author let the reader guessing its ending with the end of the story depended manner .

language features :

1. individual

2. action verbs (material processes), and there is also the use of verbal and mental processes.

3.  usually use past tense.

4. Frequent use lingking Words related to time.

5 tenses are often changed

6 Descriptive language used for creating images in the minds of readers.

7 can be written in the first person (1), or third (he, she, they).

The example of narrative text
Little Mantu lived in a village deep in the jungle
where elephants helped the men with their work.
These elephants were so big and strong. They could
lift up the heaviest logs with their trunks and toss
them high in the air.
Now, Mantu had an elephant of his very own. His
name was Opie. He was just a baby and Mantu loved
him very much. Mantu whispered to Opie’s ear that
someday he would become the biggest, strongest and
bravest elephant in the jungle. The other elephants
heard this. They began to laugh and made rude noises
with their trunks. “We’re so big and tall, but you’re
so small. You’re nothing at all,” said one of the big
Mantu looked up at the huge elephant with a
mishievous glint in his eye. “You’re so tall and can
see far away. We can see what is happening down
here in the jungle. In fact, we would be the
�� rst to see
any slithering snakes that may be a danger. “After
hearing the word snakes, the elephants screeched
and off they gwents thundering in fright.
“Did I say there were snakes?” giggled Mantu. “No,
I don’t think so,” smiled Opie. Mantu then climbed upon
his little friend’s back and went home to the village to tell
everyone about the foolish elephants.



- Descriptive Text is text that describes something in detail and over-specified descriptive text can be used to describe a person, object, or other living creatures.

Generic Structure in Descriptive Text

Identification: contains the object to be described

Description: Contains discussion or depiction of the "what" in the "Identification" on the physical, behavioral, etc. properties.

The characteristics of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text using the Simple Present Tense
Descriptive Text using adjectives (adjective)
Descriptive Text using Adverbs (adverbs

The example of descriptive text
My teddybear doll
I have one favourite thing in my life,on of them is my teddybear doll,the colour of my teddy is brown, small ears, it has big brown eyes,pointed nose,thin lips, two hand,and two leg,my teddy is very fat .it has clothes the colour of my teddy clothes is yellow.
I got it from my lovely boyfried,when my birthday, I always hug my teddy when I wanna sleep.


Definition of expository paragraph
Expository Paragraph (Paragraph Exposition) is: the text is written and developed to provide readers with the knowledge to the writing style is concise, accurate, and solid.

Generic stucture of expository:
·         Topic sentence
·         Suporting sentence
·         Concluding sentence

The exaample of the expository text

The influence of award or punishment

Whether award or punishment can give an influence to me when I study. I will be motivated to learn more one lesson when there’s an award to my result. On the contrary, I will be down, even I will hate the lesson, when there is a kind of punishment
when I was in junior high school, I got a really great mark for my English exam and my teacher gave me some compliments and invited me to be the member of English Club in my school (I consider it is a kind of award). Then, I became more enthusiastic to learn more diligent to went to school . While in chemistry, the teacher often gave some punishment to the students who came late or got a bad mark by giving so many assignments and saying something unpleasant to hear. So, I do not like chemistry lesson and not really understand the material until now.
 In conclusion, I learn more when I am awarded because I feel appreciated and I learn less when I am punished because I feel that my hard work is useless.